Trouble with BCM and MSDE database
(too old to reply)
2009-01-14 20:30:43 UTC
I have a client that lost his BCM database during a format and restore
proceedure. I was called in to restore these files if at all possible.
I have located the actual .ldf & .mdf files for the MSDE database and
made the attempt to attach them to the new BCM installation. I
followed the proceedures located at http://www.slipstick.com/emo/2004/up040708.htm#bcm
without any success. I believe the problem is a matter of permissions
that are currently on the recovered DB. The machine is named the same,
and the same users are configured as well. Can anyone provide insight
or assistance towards this complication? I will also be posting this
to the BCM forums as well.

Thank you in advance.
Norman Yuan
2009-01-14 23:17:37 UTC
I do not know what BCM is. If the *.mdf/*.ldf files were not properly
detached prior to the disk formatting, or the computer is properly shut
down, there is chance the *.mdf/*.ldf file being corrupted and cannot be
re-attach back to a MSDE/SQL Server any more. If the attaching does not
work, yuo can try to restore the latest backup to newly set up MSDE/SQL
Server (no backup? Then what else one can say?).
Post by Damian
I have a client that lost his BCM database during a format and restore
proceedure. I was called in to restore these files if at all possible.
I have located the actual .ldf & .mdf files for the MSDE database and
made the attempt to attach them to the new BCM installation. I
followed the proceedures located at
without any success. I believe the problem is a matter of permissions
that are currently on the recovered DB. The machine is named the same,
and the same users are configured as well. Can anyone provide insight
or assistance towards this complication? I will also be posting this
to the BCM forums as well.
Thank you in advance.