version & instances
(too old to reply)
Marc S
2008-08-14 13:59:01 UTC
Few question. I am a new IT Director taking over the work from
consultants...oh what fun.
1. On W3K Server, I see My SQL DB already running on this Server. If I
right-click on this icon on task bar, I see Microsoft SQL Server Service
Manager version 8.00.2039. If I go to Add/Remove, I see Microsoft SQL
Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761.

Several articles I read explain a version 8.00.760 for SP3 or SP3a. Mine
ends in 761. Why?

2. This app is MSDE...right? Even though I don't see this listed anywhere.

3. Can you have more than one application on a single server using that same
MSDE. When I open the current SQL Server Service Manager, there is a
drop-down for "Server" and I see three items already listed that appear to be
three applications already running on this server. Can I add a 4th app?

Andrea Montanari
2008-08-14 14:57:57 UTC
hi Marc,
Post by Marc S
Few question. I am a new IT Director taking over the work from
consultants...oh what fun.
1. On W3K Server, I see My SQL DB already running on this Server. If
I right-click on this icon on task bar, I see Microsoft SQL Server
Service Manager version 8.00.2039. If I go to Add/Remove, I see
Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761.
Several articles I read explain a version 8.00.760 for SP3 or SP3a.
Mine ends in 761. Why?
here is a build list provided by a third party provider,
http://www.aspfaq.com/SQL2000Builds.asp, but there's a side note about
760/761 in
Post by Marc S
2. This app is MSDE...right? Even though I don't see this listed anywhere.
Post by Marc S
3. Can you have more than one application on a single server using
that same MSDE. When I open the current SQL Server Service Manager,
there is a drop-down for "Server" and I see three items already
listed that appear to be three applications already running on this
server. Can I add a 4th app?
MSDE, as SQL Server, is a service and of course can serve more than just a
single client application...it just listen on a defined port (or shared
memory) waiting for incoming connections.. when a connection is established,
the defined command by the client application is executed, returning thus
results and messages via the used netlib...

SQL Server Service Manager, is a service management tool to interact with
local and remote instances of SQL Server and related services, like the SQL
Server Agent.... this management tool should automatically detect running
SQL Server instances along the local area network broadcasting over UDP port
the enlistement... so this has nothing to do with "client applications"
using the relative SQL Server/MSDE instance.. and of course you can not add
element to this list as this task it is not supposed to be performed as is
not required.
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
http://www.asql.biz http://www.hotelsole.com
DbaMgr2k ver 0.21.1 - DbaMgr ver 0.65.1 and further SQL Tools
--------- remove DMO to reply
William Vaughn (MVP)
2008-08-14 17:42:41 UTC
Andrea provided a number of excellent resources, but I understand how
this can be confusing. Frankly, I spend quite a bit of time helping IT
managers recover from changes in staffing and clearing up misunderstandings
left behind by consultants.
Consider that MSDE as a product is somewhat dated (by about 8 years) but
can work pretty well if not pressed too hard. I'm a firm believer in "If
it's not broken, don't fix it." However, MSDE has a limited database size
(2GB), a performance throttle which kicks in when too many operations are
attempted at one time, does not have any GUI tools and several other
limitations that can make it harder to use. The version of MSDE you reported
is quite out of date so I would recommend that you at least apply the most
current updates to protect the server from newer forms of worms and other
malware as well as fix a number (quite a large number) of issues. Frankly, I
would also consider migrating to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Unlike
MSDE it is not throttled, has twice the database capacity and comes with a
full suite of tools with the Advanced Services Edition. Again, this is a
free edition that's more secure and works better with Windows XP and Vista
operating systems than MSDE. It's a bit early for the 2008 Express Editions
(they have not shipped yet) and we know quite a bit more about the 2005
versions but they too might be an option later this year.

I would be happy to help your company sort out what's installed and
whether or not you can add a 4th or additional applications to your MSDE
service. No, I do not provide "consulting" services but I can spend a day or
two mentoring you and your team to get you up to speed on the current
technology and understand what works and what doesn't and what you need to
do to get up to speed. You might also consider having someone on your staff
come to one of my SQL Server workshops (the next is in Montreal in December)
or just pick up my latest book. It's designed for development shops that
need foundational information about how SQL Server works and how to apply
best practices to designs and application implementations.

William R. Vaughn
President and Founder Beta V Corporation
Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
Microsoft MVP
(425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
Post by Marc S
Few question. I am a new IT Director taking over the work from
consultants...oh what fun.
1. On W3K Server, I see My SQL DB already running on this Server. If I
right-click on this icon on task bar, I see Microsoft SQL Server Service
Manager version 8.00.2039. If I go to Add/Remove, I see Microsoft SQL
Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761.
Several articles I read explain a version 8.00.760 for SP3 or SP3a. Mine
ends in 761. Why?
2. This app is MSDE...right? Even though I don't see this listed anywhere.
3. Can you have more than one application on a single server using that same
MSDE. When I open the current SQL Server Service Manager, there is a
drop-down for "Server" and I see three items already listed that appear to be
three applications already running on this server. Can I add a 4th app?
Marc S
2008-08-14 19:47:03 UTC
Thanks to both of you.

1. After further investigation, I searched for sqlservr.exe and found three
instances on that server. (found this tip in Microsoft)
SQL 2000 SP3a for Backup app
SQL 2000 SP3a for Antivirus app
SQL 2005 Embedded Edition (SSEE) for Windows updates.

Not sure I understand it all...the differences between the services,
instances, or databases?...but the fact that I saw three there...was the flag
I needed for now.

2. After talking to the vendor of the 4th app, we agreed not to install on
that same server, to avoid breaking any of those apps. This decision needed
to be made today, as that 4th app is being upgraded tomorrow.

3. With that all said, I would like to learn more about SQL. I have
several more questions regarding such things as the database, services,
service managers...and have a serious interest to learn more.

Mr. Vaughn -
What is the name of your book?
You mentioned a day to work with me educating me on SQL items...what is your
charge for this?
Sorry I can't make the trip to Montreal. Do you have a website or provide
web-ex seminars? I am located in Philly.

Thanks for your time.
Post by William Vaughn (MVP)
Andrea provided a number of excellent resources, but I understand how
this can be confusing. Frankly, I spend quite a bit of time helping IT
managers recover from changes in staffing and clearing up misunderstandings
left behind by consultants.
Consider that MSDE as a product is somewhat dated (by about 8 years) but
can work pretty well if not pressed too hard. I'm a firm believer in "If
it's not broken, don't fix it." However, MSDE has a limited database size
(2GB), a performance throttle which kicks in when too many operations are
attempted at one time, does not have any GUI tools and several other
limitations that can make it harder to use. The version of MSDE you reported
is quite out of date so I would recommend that you at least apply the most
current updates to protect the server from newer forms of worms and other
malware as well as fix a number (quite a large number) of issues. Frankly, I
would also consider migrating to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Unlike
MSDE it is not throttled, has twice the database capacity and comes with a
full suite of tools with the Advanced Services Edition. Again, this is a
free edition that's more secure and works better with Windows XP and Vista
operating systems than MSDE. It's a bit early for the 2008 Express Editions
(they have not shipped yet) and we know quite a bit more about the 2005
versions but they too might be an option later this year.
I would be happy to help your company sort out what's installed and
whether or not you can add a 4th or additional applications to your MSDE
service. No, I do not provide "consulting" services but I can spend a day or
two mentoring you and your team to get you up to speed on the current
technology and understand what works and what doesn't and what you need to
do to get up to speed. You might also consider having someone on your staff
come to one of my SQL Server workshops (the next is in Montreal in December)
or just pick up my latest book. It's designed for development shops that
need foundational information about how SQL Server works and how to apply
best practices to designs and application implementations.
William R. Vaughn
President and Founder Beta V Corporation
Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
Microsoft MVP
(425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
Post by Marc S
Few question. I am a new IT Director taking over the work from
consultants...oh what fun.
1. On W3K Server, I see My SQL DB already running on this Server. If I
right-click on this icon on task bar, I see Microsoft SQL Server Service
Manager version 8.00.2039. If I go to Add/Remove, I see Microsoft SQL
Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761.
Several articles I read explain a version 8.00.760 for SP3 or SP3a. Mine
ends in 761. Why?
2. This app is MSDE...right? Even though I don't see this listed anywhere.
3. Can you have more than one application on a single server using that same
MSDE. When I open the current SQL Server Service Manager, there is a
drop-down for "Server" and I see three items already listed that appear to be
three applications already running on this server. Can I add a 4th app?
William Vaughn (MVP)
2008-08-14 20:28:08 UTC
Contact me directly and we can talk. My latest book is in my signature.
William R. Vaughn
President and Founder Beta V Corporation
Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
Microsoft MVP
(425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
Post by Marc S
Thanks to both of you.
1. After further investigation, I searched for sqlservr.exe and found three
instances on that server. (found this tip in Microsoft)
SQL 2000 SP3a for Backup app
SQL 2000 SP3a for Antivirus app
SQL 2005 Embedded Edition (SSEE) for Windows updates.
Not sure I understand it all...the differences between the services,
instances, or databases?...but the fact that I saw three there...was the flag
I needed for now.
2. After talking to the vendor of the 4th app, we agreed not to install on
that same server, to avoid breaking any of those apps. This decision needed
to be made today, as that 4th app is being upgraded tomorrow.
3. With that all said, I would like to learn more about SQL. I have
several more questions regarding such things as the database, services,
service managers...and have a serious interest to learn more.
Mr. Vaughn -
What is the name of your book?
You mentioned a day to work with me educating me on SQL items...what is your
charge for this?
Sorry I can't make the trip to Montreal. Do you have a website or provide
web-ex seminars? I am located in Philly.
Thanks for your time.
Post by William Vaughn (MVP)
Andrea provided a number of excellent resources, but I understand how
this can be confusing. Frankly, I spend quite a bit of time helping IT
managers recover from changes in staffing and clearing up
left behind by consultants.
Consider that MSDE as a product is somewhat dated (by about 8 years) but
can work pretty well if not pressed too hard. I'm a firm believer in "If
it's not broken, don't fix it." However, MSDE has a limited database size
(2GB), a performance throttle which kicks in when too many operations are
attempted at one time, does not have any GUI tools and several other
limitations that can make it harder to use. The version of MSDE you reported
is quite out of date so I would recommend that you at least apply the most
current updates to protect the server from newer forms of worms and other
malware as well as fix a number (quite a large number) of issues. Frankly, I
would also consider migrating to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Unlike
MSDE it is not throttled, has twice the database capacity and comes with a
full suite of tools with the Advanced Services Edition. Again, this is a
free edition that's more secure and works better with Windows XP and Vista
operating systems than MSDE. It's a bit early for the 2008 Express Editions
(they have not shipped yet) and we know quite a bit more about the 2005
versions but they too might be an option later this year.
I would be happy to help your company sort out what's installed and
whether or not you can add a 4th or additional applications to your MSDE
service. No, I do not provide "consulting" services but I can spend a day or
two mentoring you and your team to get you up to speed on the current
technology and understand what works and what doesn't and what you need to
do to get up to speed. You might also consider having someone on your staff
come to one of my SQL Server workshops (the next is in Montreal in December)
or just pick up my latest book. It's designed for development shops that
need foundational information about how SQL Server works and how to apply
best practices to designs and application implementations.
William R. Vaughn
President and Founder Beta V Corporation
Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
Microsoft MVP
(425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
Post by Marc S
Few question. I am a new IT Director taking over the work from
consultants...oh what fun.
1. On W3K Server, I see My SQL DB already running on this Server. If I
right-click on this icon on task bar, I see Microsoft SQL Server Service
Manager version 8.00.2039. If I go to Add/Remove, I see Microsoft SQL
Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761.
Several articles I read explain a version 8.00.760 for SP3 or SP3a. Mine
ends in 761. Why?
2. This app is MSDE...right? Even though I don't see this listed anywhere.
3. Can you have more than one application on a single server using that same
MSDE. When I open the current SQL Server Service Manager, there is a
drop-down for "Server" and I see three items already listed that appear
three applications already running on this server. Can I add a 4th app?
Marc S
2008-08-14 21:08:05 UTC
I have a big upgrade this weekend, so it will be next week.

Here is my email. ***@burt-law.com....can you send me an email
directly for now with your contact info. Thanks.
Post by William Vaughn (MVP)
Contact me directly and we can talk. My latest book is in my signature.
William R. Vaughn
President and Founder Beta V Corporation
Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
Microsoft MVP
(425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
Post by Marc S
Thanks to both of you.
1. After further investigation, I searched for sqlservr.exe and found three
instances on that server. (found this tip in Microsoft)
SQL 2000 SP3a for Backup app
SQL 2000 SP3a for Antivirus app
SQL 2005 Embedded Edition (SSEE) for Windows updates.
Not sure I understand it all...the differences between the services,
instances, or databases?...but the fact that I saw three there...was the flag
I needed for now.
2. After talking to the vendor of the 4th app, we agreed not to install on
that same server, to avoid breaking any of those apps. This decision needed
to be made today, as that 4th app is being upgraded tomorrow.
3. With that all said, I would like to learn more about SQL. I have
several more questions regarding such things as the database, services,
service managers...and have a serious interest to learn more.
Mr. Vaughn -
What is the name of your book?
You mentioned a day to work with me educating me on SQL items...what is your
charge for this?
Sorry I can't make the trip to Montreal. Do you have a website or provide
web-ex seminars? I am located in Philly.
Thanks for your time.
Post by William Vaughn (MVP)
Andrea provided a number of excellent resources, but I understand how
this can be confusing. Frankly, I spend quite a bit of time helping IT
managers recover from changes in staffing and clearing up
left behind by consultants.
Consider that MSDE as a product is somewhat dated (by about 8 years) but
can work pretty well if not pressed too hard. I'm a firm believer in "If
it's not broken, don't fix it." However, MSDE has a limited database size
(2GB), a performance throttle which kicks in when too many operations are
attempted at one time, does not have any GUI tools and several other
limitations that can make it harder to use. The version of MSDE you reported
is quite out of date so I would recommend that you at least apply the most
current updates to protect the server from newer forms of worms and other
malware as well as fix a number (quite a large number) of issues. Frankly, I
would also consider migrating to SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. Unlike
MSDE it is not throttled, has twice the database capacity and comes with a
full suite of tools with the Advanced Services Edition. Again, this is a
free edition that's more secure and works better with Windows XP and Vista
operating systems than MSDE. It's a bit early for the 2008 Express Editions
(they have not shipped yet) and we know quite a bit more about the 2005
versions but they too might be an option later this year.
I would be happy to help your company sort out what's installed and
whether or not you can add a 4th or additional applications to your MSDE
service. No, I do not provide "consulting" services but I can spend a day or
two mentoring you and your team to get you up to speed on the current
technology and understand what works and what doesn't and what you need to
do to get up to speed. You might also consider having someone on your staff
come to one of my SQL Server workshops (the next is in Montreal in December)
or just pick up my latest book. It's designed for development shops that
need foundational information about how SQL Server works and how to apply
best practices to designs and application implementations.
William R. Vaughn
President and Founder Beta V Corporation
Author, Mentor, Dad, Grandpa
Microsoft MVP
(425) 556-9205 (Pacific time)
Hitchhiker’s Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server (7th Edition)
Post by Marc S
Few question. I am a new IT Director taking over the work from
consultants...oh what fun.
1. On W3K Server, I see My SQL DB already running on this Server. If I
right-click on this icon on task bar, I see Microsoft SQL Server Service
Manager version 8.00.2039. If I go to Add/Remove, I see Microsoft SQL
Server Desktop Engine 8.00.761.
Several articles I read explain a version 8.00.760 for SP3 or SP3a. Mine
ends in 761. Why?
2. This app is MSDE...right? Even though I don't see this listed anywhere.
3. Can you have more than one application on a single server using that same
MSDE. When I open the current SQL Server Service Manager, there is a
drop-down for "Server" and I see three items already listed that appear
three applications already running on this server. Can I add a 4th app?