MSDE backup script question
(too old to reply)
Microsoft News
2009-04-08 16:14:05 UTC
We are running the following script to backup an MSDE 2000 DB:

osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =

Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to *overwrite*
the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do to change the
script to *overwrite*?


2009-04-08 16:40:18 UTC
With Init
SQL Server dude

You want fries with that?

I only check the newsgroups during work hours, M-F.
Hit my blog and the contact links if necessary...I may be available.

Twitter: Kevin3NF
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to *overwrite*
the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do to change the
script to *overwrite*?
Richard Mueller [MVP]
2009-04-08 16:43:07 UTC
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to *overwrite*
the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do to change the
script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which appends. See
this link:

Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Microsoft News
2009-04-09 14:58:33 UTC
Hey guys,

I have tried the following but still can't get it to *overwrite*:

osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT

As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends. Any
other ideas?


Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to *overwrite*
the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do to change the
script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which appends.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Iain Sharp
2009-04-09 15:26:03 UTC
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH INIT "


Post by Microsoft News
Hey guys,
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT
As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends. Any
other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to *overwrite*
the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do to change the
script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which appends.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Richard Mueller [MVP]
2009-04-09 15:37:04 UTC
First, the INIT option must be included in the SQL statement, so it must be
in the quoted string. Next, this is a "General With Option" so you should
use WITH INIT. I believe the syntax would be:

osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
Hey guys,
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT
As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends. Any
other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to
*overwrite* the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do
to change the script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which appends.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Microsoft News
2009-04-09 18:19:46 UTC
No luck with the following command:

osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"

It's still appending (my DB gets bigger every time I run the command).

Any other ideas?

Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
First, the INIT option must be included in the SQL statement, so it must
be in the quoted string. Next, this is a "General With Option" so you
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
Hey guys,
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT
As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends.
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to
*overwrite* the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do
to change the script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which appends.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Richard Mueller [MVP]
2009-04-09 19:22:47 UTC
The syntax help in the SQL Server links are very difficult for me to read. I
got an error with a similar command "near INIT". I see now that WITH
parameters should be comma separated. The syntax should be:

osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"

I use Windows Integrated Authentication (rather than SQL logins), so the
command I used was similar to:

osql -S MyServer\MyInstance -E -d Master -Q "BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase TO
DISK = 'C:\MyFolder\MyTest.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"

I also have a named instance. I connect to the Master database to perform
backups. When I tested the above repeatedly the date/time changed, but not
the size. I have not had this problem in the past because I name my backups
after the date/time of the backup, so a new backup is created each time. I
need to delete old ones periodically, but I want to have at least several
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
It's still appending (my DB gets bigger every time I run the command).
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
First, the INIT option must be included in the SQL statement, so it must
be in the quoted string. Next, this is a "General With Option" so you
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
Hey guys,
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT
As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends.
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to
*overwrite* the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do
to change the script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which appends.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Richard Mueller [MVP]
2009-04-09 20:44:43 UTC
I'm out of ideas. I can only confirm that for me without the WITH options
each backup is appended to the file and it grows larger each time I run the
command. As soon as I add "WITH SKIP, INIT" and run it again, all backups
are replaced by the latest backup and the file goes back to the original
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Man, still no luck,
Everytime I run the command my BD gets bigger. Here is the last command I
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
Can you think of anything else?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
The syntax help in the SQL Server links are very difficult for me to
read. I got an error with a similar command "near INIT". I see now that
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
I use Windows Integrated Authentication (rather than SQL logins), so the
osql -S MyServer\MyInstance -E -d Master -Q "BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase
TO DISK = 'C:\MyFolder\MyTest.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
I also have a named instance. I connect to the Master database to perform
backups. When I tested the above repeatedly the date/time changed, but
not the size. I have not had this problem in the past because I name my
backups after the date/time of the backup, so a new backup is created
each time. I need to delete old ones periodically, but I want to have at
least several backups.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
It's still appending (my DB gets bigger every time I run the command).
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
First, the INIT option must be included in the SQL statement, so it
must be in the quoted string. Next, this is a "General With Option" so
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
Hey guys,
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT
As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends.
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to
*overwrite* the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to
do to change the script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Microsoft News
2009-04-09 20:59:08 UTC
Thanks for all you help dude!

Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
I'm out of ideas. I can only confirm that for me without the WITH options
each backup is appended to the file and it grows larger each time I run
the command. As soon as I add "WITH SKIP, INIT" and run it again, all
backups are replaced by the latest backup and the file goes back to the
original size.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Man, still no luck,
Everytime I run the command my BD gets bigger. Here is the last command
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
Can you think of anything else?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
The syntax help in the SQL Server links are very difficult for me to
read. I got an error with a similar command "near INIT". I see now that
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
I use Windows Integrated Authentication (rather than SQL logins), so the
osql -S MyServer\MyInstance -E -d Master -Q "BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase
TO DISK = 'C:\MyFolder\MyTest.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
I also have a named instance. I connect to the Master database to
perform backups. When I tested the above repeatedly the date/time
changed, but not the size. I have not had this problem in the past
because I name my backups after the date/time of the backup, so a new
backup is created each time. I need to delete old ones periodically, but
I want to have at least several backups.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
It's still appending (my DB gets bigger every time I run the command).
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
First, the INIT option must be included in the SQL statement, so it
must be in the quoted string. Next, this is a "General With Option" so
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
Hey guys,
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT
As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends.
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to
*overwrite* the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to
do to change the script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Microsoft News
2009-04-09 20:11:16 UTC
Man, still no luck,

Everytime I run the command my BD gets bigger. Here is the last command I

osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"

Can you think of anything else?


Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
The syntax help in the SQL Server links are very difficult for me to read.
I got an error with a similar command "near INIT". I see now that WITH
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
I use Windows Integrated Authentication (rather than SQL logins), so the
osql -S MyServer\MyInstance -E -d Master -Q "BACKUP DATABASE MyDatabase TO
DISK = 'C:\MyFolder\MyTest.bak' WITH SKIP, INIT"
I also have a named instance. I connect to the Master database to perform
backups. When I tested the above repeatedly the date/time changed, but not
the size. I have not had this problem in the past because I name my
backups after the date/time of the backup, so a new backup is created each
time. I need to delete old ones periodically, but I want to have at least
several backups.
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
It's still appending (my DB gets bigger every time I run the command).
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
First, the INIT option must be included in the SQL statement, so it must
be in the quoted string. Next, this is a "General With Option" so you
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak' WITH SKIP INIT"
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Post by Microsoft News
Hey guys,
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
'E:\mssql7\backup\pdticket.bak'" SKIP INIT
As you can see, I have addedd *SKIP* and *INIT* but it still appends.
Any other ideas?
Post by Richard Mueller [MVP]
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to
*overwrite* the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to
do to change the script to *overwrite*?
Use the INIT option to overwrite. The default is NOINIT, which
Richard Mueller
MVP Directory Services
Hilltop Lab - http://www.rlmueller.net
Dan Guzman
2009-04-09 11:56:40 UTC
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Also consider changing the password of the sa account to a strong one. This
is a common vulnerability that will be exploited by malware.
Hope this helps.

Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to *overwrite*
the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do to change the
script to *overwrite*?
Microsoft News
2009-04-09 13:41:12 UTC
Hey Dan,

How would I change the password on MSDE 2000?

Post by Dan Guzman
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Also consider changing the password of the sa account to a strong one.
This is a common vulnerability that will be exploited by malware.
Hope this helps.
Dan Guzman
SQL Server MVP
Post by Microsoft News
osql -Usa -P -n -Q "Backup Database pdticket To Disk =
Our problem is that the above script *appends* and we want to *overwrite*
the DB every night. Can someone tell me what I need to do to change the
script to *overwrite*?
Andrea Montanari
2009-04-09 14:33:11 UTC
hi Clayton,
Post by Microsoft News
How would I change the password on MSDE 2000?

osql.exe -Usa -P -SComputerName\InstanceName -Q "EXEC master..sp_password
@old=NULL, @new='newPwd', @loginame='sa'"

Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
DbaMgr2k ver 0.21.1 - DbaMgr ver 0.65.1 and further SQL Tools
http://www.hotelsole.com - http://www.hotelsolericcione.de
--------- remove DMO to reply
Microsoft News
2009-04-09 14:55:50 UTC
Thanks Andrea!

Post by Andrea Montanari
hi Clayton,
Post by Microsoft News
How would I change the password on MSDE 2000?
osql.exe -Usa -P -SComputerName\InstanceName -Q "EXEC master..sp_password
@old=NULL, @new='newPwd', @loginame='sa'"
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
DbaMgr2k ver 0.21.1 - DbaMgr ver 0.65.1 and further SQL Tools
http://www.hotelsole.com - http://www.hotelsolericcione.de
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