MSDE upgrade to SQL Server 2005
(too old to reply)
2008-10-27 21:00:10 UTC
I have a Software product that installed the MSDE database engine with its
product. The database this software product created is a SQL Server 7.0
database. The database is now causing some issues due to size and performance
issues so I trying to upgrade to SQL SERVER 2005 and create a new database
that i can use. I loaded SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition on this server
that had only one SQL instance running on it(MSSQLSERVER). SQL Server 2005
loaded successfully but never queried me for what type if instance to install
(default or named). I still only have one SQL instance running(MSSQLSERVER).
When I open SQL Server Management Studio I get this message "This version of
MSSMS can only be used to connect to SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 2005
servers. Do I just need to detach and reattach the databases. If I were to
copy the databases to the 2005 instance, I read it should be copied into the
folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data. However this
folder does not exist. Under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server I only
have two folders "80" and "90". Did my SQL Server 2005 load correctly? My
original SQL instance was loaded on E:\MSSQL7 would my SQL 2005 installation
have updated these files instead?
Andrea Montanari
2008-10-28 11:28:46 UTC
Post by MelGu32
I have a Software product that installed the MSDE database engine
with its product. The database this software product created is a
SQL Server 7.0 database. The database is now causing some issues due
to size and performance issues so I trying to upgrade to SQL SERVER
2005 and create a new database that i can use. I loaded SQL Server
2005 Enterprise Edition on this server that had only one SQL instance
running on it(MSSQLSERVER).
as per http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms143393(SQL.90).aspx,
the desktop engine/MSDE 1.0 version should be supported in upgrade path to
Standard\Workgroup\Express editions and not to Enterprise..
Post by MelGu32
SQL Server 2005 loaded successfully but
never queried me for what type if instance to install (default or
named). I still only have one SQL instance running(MSSQLSERVER).
When I open SQL Server Management Studio I get this message "This
version of MSSMS can only be used to connect to SQL Server 2000 and
SQL Server 2005 servers.
this seems to indicate the instance you are trying to connect is not
supported by SSMS, which does not connect to SQL 7.0 code based versions..
Post by MelGu32
Do I just need to detach and reattach the
databases. If I were to copy the databases to the 2005 instance, I
read it should be copied into the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft
SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data. However this folder does not exist.
Under C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server I only have two folders
"80" and "90". Did my SQL Server 2005 load correctly? My original
SQL instance was loaded on E:\MSSQL7 would my SQL 2005 installation
have updated these files instead?
this seems to indicate you did not install a SQL Server 2005 instance..
verify in the services applet as well, but to me, you still have your
original MSDE 1.0 instance installed and you only added the SQL Server 2005
client tools..
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
http://www.asql.biz http://www.hotelsole.com
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