MSDE Reached Max Size. Cannot Login for Maintenance?
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Steve Zatkoff
2008-10-01 15:37:12 UTC
I can no longer access my MSDE database for maintenance purposes. It will not
allow a login:

[Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).

and I cannot run any maintenance to shrink the Db.


Steve Zatkoff
Andrea Montanari
2008-10-07 09:48:58 UTC
hi Steve,
Post by Steve Zatkoff
I can no longer access my MSDE database for maintenance purposes. It
[Shared Memory]SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
[Shared Memory]ConnectionOpen (Connect()).
even if a particular database has exceeded the file size limitation, you
should be able to connect to that instance.. the "typical" causes of such an
exception are listed in
Post by Steve Zatkoff
and I cannot run any maintenance to shrink the Db.
if you succesfully connected to the instance, you should be able to "delete"
from the database... what exception are you reported with, accessing the db?
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
http://www.asql.biz http://www.hotelsole.com
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