MSDE tries to install each time someone logs on
(too old to reply)
2008-04-15 00:07:00 UTC
A web search which turned up a really old thread (circa 2006) about this
problem in this newsgroup, but alas, no solution was revealed in the thread.
I'm hoping sometime in the subsequent years, someone has come up with a

I am installing a third-party product to a WinXP SP2 machine that is a
member of an Active Directory domain. This software, in turn, installs MSDE
2000 SP3. Upon completing the installation of the software, I log out and log
in as an Active Directory account with standard user privileges. Upon logging
in as a regular user, a dialog box pops up reading "Please wait while Windows
configures Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine." Depending on the computer,
this could either whip through twice and then go away in the span of 5
seconds or so... or it could spend easily 3 minutes spinning away trying to
install something.

Unfortunately, this repeats each and every time a regular user attempts to
log on. The local admin user which installed the software does not see this
behavior, nor does a domain admin account (as long as you copy the local
admin's profile to the Default User profile... if you don't, you get the same

Any ideas, solutions? I'm about at my wit's end.
Ian Boyd
2008-04-16 17:14:25 UTC
i have no idea what MSDE is trying to do.

But i would start by looking in the
Startup folder

and the matching ones in the "all users" registry hive and startup folder.

Once you see the program that is being run (and it's command line arguments)
you should be able to Google for it and hopefully find more hits about what
it is and what it's trying to do.

bviously there is no need for it to run on every login, maybe it is getting
mistakenly put in the "All Users" startup as opposed to the "RunOnce" tree.
Perhaps the software is trying to disable the entry upon successful run but
it doesn't have permissions to do so.

But in response to your original question: i have no clue. All i have are
some ideas on how to deal with it.
Post by CMGeorge
A web search which turned up a really old thread (circa 2006) about this
problem in this newsgroup, but alas, no solution was revealed in the thread.
I'm hoping sometime in the subsequent years, someone has come up with a
I am installing a third-party product to a WinXP SP2 machine that is a
member of an Active Directory domain. This software, in turn, installs MSDE
2000 SP3. Upon completing the installation of the software, I log out and log
in as an Active Directory account with standard user privileges. Upon logging
in as a regular user, a dialog box pops up reading "Please wait while Windows
configures Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine." Depending on the computer,
this could either whip through twice and then go away in the span of 5
seconds or so... or it could spend easily 3 minutes spinning away trying to
install something.
Unfortunately, this repeats each and every time a regular user attempts to
log on. The local admin user which installed the software does not see this
behavior, nor does a domain admin account (as long as you copy the local
admin's profile to the Default User profile... if you don't, you get the same
Any ideas, solutions? I'm about at my wit's end.