Article/tutorial needed regarding deployment with mdf
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Paul Hemans
2008-04-05 20:08:35 UTC
VS2005 running with SQL Server Express. My app needs a simple table, if I
include the mdf with the deployment, then the database will be overwritten
with updates (losing the site data). So does anyone know of a good
article/tutorial describing how to deploy a simple table via scripts
particularly in regards to what happens when you bring out a new release?

Andrea Montanari
2008-04-05 22:26:36 UTC
hi Paul,
Post by Paul Hemans
VS2005 running with SQL Server Express. My app needs a simple table,
if I include the mdf with the deployment, then the database will be
overwritten with updates (losing the site data). So does anyone know
of a good article/tutorial describing how to deploy a simple table
via scripts particularly in regards to what happens when you bring
out a new release?
please have a look at
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163919.aspx ..
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
http://www.asql.biz http://italy.mvps.org
DbaMgr2k ver 0.21.1 - DbaMgr ver 0.65.1 and further SQL Tools
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Paul Hemans
2008-04-06 09:55:06 UTC
Yes, that looks the goods
Post by Andrea Montanari
hi Paul,
Post by Paul Hemans
VS2005 running with SQL Server Express. My app needs a simple table,
if I include the mdf with the deployment, then the database will be
overwritten with updates (losing the site data). So does anyone know
of a good article/tutorial describing how to deploy a simple table
via scripts particularly in regards to what happens when you bring
out a new release?
please have a look at
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163919.aspx ..
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
http://www.asql.biz http://italy.mvps.org
DbaMgr2k ver 0.21.1 - DbaMgr ver 0.65.1 and further SQL Tools
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