Update the MSDE version that comes with office
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Jan Doggen
2008-07-21 19:51:45 UTC

The MSDE that came with Office 2003 and that was installed with instance
MICROSOFTSMLBIZ still is the RTM version on my wife's machine. I want to
install SP4. The installer says I need to enter a strong pw with the SAPWD

However, I'm afraid that might break Office.

What is the best course to sail?

Thanks in advance

http://www.jandoggen.org http://www.beautyofpeople.com
Andrea Montanari
2008-07-21 22:42:41 UTC
hi Jan,
Post by Jan Doggen
The MSDE that came with Office 2003 and that was installed with
instance MICROSOFTSMLBIZ still is the RTM version on my wife's
machine. I want to install SP4. The installer says I need to enter a
strong pw with the SAPWD switch.
However, I'm afraid that might break Office.
it should not break Office, as Office only provides an eventual "glue"
betwen applications using data and the related database engine.. more, each
and every "application" built on top of SQL Server\MSDE should be aware of
the "authentication requirements" of such a database engine.. thus you
should be prompted with dialog requiring you to connect via a trusted
connection, or provide explicit credentials in the form of a "user id" and
related password.. I do hope none of the apps installed on that pc is built
providing credentials of "sa + blank".. you should eventually investigate in
this area if you are afraid of upgrading that instance..
Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
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